Cooperative Argumentation: A Model for Deliberative Community
- Used Book in Good Condition
As the globe shrinks, it is more important than ever to discuss ways for diverse groups to coexist peacefully. However, the individualistic ethic of many competitive, adversarial models of argument undermines the interdependence so critical to an increasingly global society. This practical text offers a fresh approach to argumentation--one that combines reason and refutation with community building, mutual respect, and a recognition of interdependence. The authors provide a wide variety of examples to illustrate concrete proposals for cultivating moral abilities, cognitive skills, and communicative virtues. The ability to engage in cooperative argumentation across differences--moral, social, economic, political ethnic--permits individuals to resolve conflicts peacefully, effectively, and responsibly. Titles of related interest from Waveland Press: Hollihan-Baaske, Arguments and Arguing: The Products and Process of Human Decision Making, Third Edition (ISBN 9781478629290); Holmes-Gan, Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, Third Edition (ISBN 9781577667605); Infante, Arguing Constructively (ISBN 9780881333275); and Makau-Marty, Dialogue and Deliberation (9781478600657).