This book is a painstakingly crafted, expertly written, code-fueled, no-nonsense deep dive into HTML5 Canvas printed in full color with syntax-highlighted code listings throughout.Â
The canvas element--using it with other HTML elements, handling events, printing a canvas, and using offscreen canvases
Shapes--drawing, dragging, erasing, and editing lines, arcs, circles, curves, and polygons; using shadows, gradients, and patterns
Text--drawing, positioning, setting font properties; building text controls
Images--drawing, scaling, clipping, processing, and animating
Animations--creating smooth, efficient, and portable animations
Sprites--implementing animated objects that have painters and behaviors
Physics--modeling physical systems (falling bodies, pendulums, and projectiles), and implementing tweening for nonlinear motion and animation
Collision detection--advanced techniques, clearly explained
Game development--all aspects of game development, such as time-based motion and high score support, implemented in a game engine
Custom controls--infrastructure for implementing custom controls; implementing progress bars, sliders, and an image panner
Mobile applications--fitting Canvas apps on a mobile screen, using media queries, handling touch events, and specifying iOS5 artifacts, such as app iconsÂ
Throughout the book, Geary discusses high-quality, reusable code to help professional developers learn everything they really need to know, with absolutely no fluff. All the book's code and live demonstrations of key examples are available at