The main 'wow-factor' when viewing the Moon through any telescopic device is its craters. Coming in all shapes and sizes, their existence bear testament to the Moon's history and formation, and a unique view into their dynamic effects on the lunar surface. In Craters of the Near Side Moon you will find 662 referenced craters in highly-resolved images taken by cameras onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. All craters are shown from an earth-based perspective, accompanied by an additional aerial, topographical view showing their positions, and any other sub-craters (over 5000 listed) related to them. All 662 craters are discussed from a geological perspective and the features to look for, along with suggested times in when best to view them. Most importantly, every crater, and sub-crater, has the latest official size, latitude and longitude coordinates as laid down by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Three-quarters of the 662 craters discussed also include a second high-rez aerial representation from a different perspective view in both lighting and detail; giving the observer that extra bit of information required. The craters are listed alphabetically for ease of finding, while a list of other features, such as, rilles to ridges to maria and mountains...etc., is given at the book's end (again, with official IAU designations). Craters of the Near Side Moon will certainly suit both the amateur and professional astronomer alike: as a reference tool of details about craters (whether through observations made, planned, of for general interest); and for the scientist or journalist who require instant, correct data about specific craters on the Moon. This book, therefore, serves as a required reference and resource for some of the most extraordinary features on the Moon - those of craters. Availability: Amazon, or through your local Bookstore (quote Title, ISBN's below). For an animated version of what's inside the cover, type Craters of the Near Side Moon in YouTube. This book is one in the trilogy of books about craters and features found on the Moon (for more, see Craters of the Far Side Moon and Features of the Near Side Moon).