Bestselling author of 4 books on property, Craig Turnbull has released the world’s first book on Real Estate Crowdfunding. Craig believes fundamentally that owning property, and investing in property, is the foundation for physical wealth for most people. His mission is to inspire people to create the life that they want, with real estate investing simply the vehicle to pay for that lifestyle. Written in everyday language by an expert in property, this book is for anyone who wants to explore new and exciting possibilities for wealth creation, that ultimately offer life choice and freedom. Crowdfunding Real Estate is the fifth book in a best-selling series on real estate investing from property developer and real estate investor, Craig Turnbull. His other four best-selling books on real estate investment, sold over 100,000 copies, including the number one title It’s Easy to be a Property Millionaire. With 30 years’ experience in real estate developing and property investing, Craig has coordinated property projects with a combined value of more than $200 million. Craig holds a business degree in property and finance, a Diploma in Financial Planning, and is a licensed real estate.