The InvitaBee Plus Bee Attractant for all Osmia species Mason Bees helps to attract mason bees to your bee house.
Each package contains 1.5ml of InvitaBee spray attractant and 5 natural reeds.
Natural lakebed reeds are a favorite nesting hole for mason bees.
Situating these reeds in among your nesting tubes or next to your wood tray will also help to attract females looking for a place to call their own.
Made in USA
We've teamed with the USDA to obtain the license for a wonderful patent that attracts all osmia species, or mason bees. Scientific tests concluded that mason bees find nesting holes from scent pheromones and prefer to nest where other mason bees have nested. The attractant is delivered by spraying the InvitaBee contents onto the front of your nesting holes. Use of spray will not guarantee that your bees will stay put. They will, however, significantly help attract native mason bees to your nesting material through the stimulation of two powerful senses - sight and smell.