CryoDerm Cold & Heat Pain Relieving Gel Roll-on - 3 Ounce, Set of 2
Pain-Relieving, Cold Therapy
Cryoderm Pain Relieving Products feature both Cool and Warming Therapy Solutions. CryoDerm Heat Pain Relieving products provide fast acting, deep penetrating pain relieving warmth for muscle sprains and strains, sore stiff muscles, bursitis and tendonitis, arthritis and joint pain. The secret of this pain reliever is its deep penetrating, long lasting gentle warmth, and other natural ingredients such as aloe barbadensis, arnica, boswella, green tea extract, ilex, msm, tocopheryl acetate, yucca aloifolia, and natural denatured grain alcohol. CryoDerm Heat Gel can be used in place of massage creams and oils for myofascial release, trigger point therapy, transverse friction and deep tissue. CryoDerm Cool pain relieving roll-on is the one used across the USA by chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists and sports teams to help relieve muscle and joint pain. It goes on cool and then almost creates a "mask" helping to block the pain. CryoDerm is great to apply on painful areas before bed to help you sleep. If you have a tension headache or migraine, apply Cryoderm on your neck to help alleviate the pain. . The main active ingredient is menthol, which is derived from peppermint oil. Other ingredients include: Arnica, Boswella, Ilex and MSM. Arnica, which is also known as leopard's bane has a bright yellow flower that blooms in the summer.