Compatible With / Replacement For: Fisher Plow Motors, Western Products Plow Motors
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Snow Plow Motor for FISHER
Specifications: Unit Type : Snow Plow Motor Voltage : 12 Rotation : CW Starter Type : Brief : WESTERN SNOW PLOW MOTORSLOTTED SHAFT5/16-24 TERMINAL
Interchanges : ARROWHEAD : LPL0004 BARSANCO : 540-002 BUYERS : 1306415 DIXIE : MS-546, MS-6002, MS-6018 DIXIE NEW : 405-10101, 406-04101 EMS : 10725N FENNER STONE : M4-3499-00 FISHER : A5819, A5819AM J & N : 430-22003 LESTER : 10712, 10725 MINNPAR : 67-2167 NATL LIFTGATE PARTS : AMT0305, AMT0601 NORTHMAN : 40008 PIC : 160-124, 160-841, 160-935 PRESTOLITE : 46-2473, 46-2482, 46-2584, 46-3618, MKW4009, MKW4011, MUE6103, MUE6103S, MUE6111, MUE6111S, MUE6206, MUE7001 RCP : 26215A REMY LIGHT DUTY : 96754 UNITED TECH : MM18996 WAI : 10725N-DB, 10725N-SB, 82-6852 WAI SALES : 82-6852 WESTERN MOTORS : W-8812, W-8994 WESTERN PLOW : 56058, 56062, 56133, 58062 WILSON : 94-06-1818, 94-06-1822 WILSON HD : 94-06-1818, 94-06-1822 WILSON SMALL ENGINE : 74-06-10725