DB2 SQL developers now have a handy reference guide with tuning tips to improve performance in queries, programs and applications. Poorly coded programs or improperly coded SQL statements are often the culprit causing poor performance. Many developers working with an IBM DB2 relational database will benefit from this guide, entitled 'DB2 SQL 75+ Tuning Tips For Developers'. The book's focus is to increase developers' knowledge in the ways of performance and tuning in an IBM DB2 relational database environment. In an organized and easy-to-understand format, this book provides development and SQL tips that will empower developers to improve performance problems. By modifying application and SQL code, understanding Runstat options, or adding and altering indexes, there are many things that developers can do to resolve performance issues. This book provides development tips and suggestions, along with many SQL coding examples, all with the purpose of gaining better performance. Tips updated through V9.