High Purity Level: D-Limonene USP Grade conforms to the United States Pharmacopeia standards, ensuring top-tier purity for use in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
Natural Solvent: Acknowledged for its effectiveness as a biodegradable solvent, D-Limonene is used in eco-friendly cleaners, degreasers, and is a green alternative to synthetic chemicals.
Aromatic Ingredient: With its pleasant citrus scent, it's a preferred choice in the fragrance and flavor industries, adding a natural, refreshing aroma to a variety of products.
Aromatherapy Use: Popular in aromatherapy for its mood-enhancing properties, D-Limonene contributes to a sense of well-being and relaxation.
Broad Industrial Applications: Utilized in the production of resins, adhesives, and paint removers, it demonstrates its versatility in numerous industrial applications.