A uniquely spicy and flavorful blend of pure dark chocolate, cane sugar, ginger and chai.
A kosher, organic, and gluten-free cacao powder
Fair Trade Certified
Unique spicy flavorful blend of cacao powder, dark chocolate, cane sugar, ginger and chai
Includes 1 can of Dagoba Chai Drinking Chocolate (12-Ounce Can)
Dagoba Organic Chocolate Hot Drinking Chocolate Chai 12 oz. (340 g) Dagoba Organic Chocolate Hot Drinking Chocolate Chai contains premium cacao powder, bits of pure, dark chocolate, cane sugar, crystallized ginger and the essence of chai to deliver a rich experience. Dagoba is dedicated to THE ART OF CHOCOLATE ALCHEMY: transforming exceptional cacao into edible gold. Dagoba practices Full Circle Sustainability - blending quality, ecology, equity & community into each step from the rainforest to you.Aztec legend holds that cacao was brought to earth from paradise and that wisdom and power could be had by consuming the seed. To honor this belief Dagoba's Chai Drinking Chocolate contains the finest organic cacao powder blended with organic cane sugar, along with bits of pure dark chocolate, pieces of crystallized ginger, and subtle flavors derived from the true Chai-tea of India. Enjoy the rich, intense flavor of Dagoba Organic Chocolate and embrace the wisdom of the ancients.Fair Trade OverviewFair Trade Certification empowers farmers and farm workers to lift themselves out of poverty by investing in their farms and communities, protecting the environment, and developing the business skills necessary to compete in the global marketplace. Fair Trade is much more than a fair price! Fair Trade principles include: Fair price: Democratically organized farmer groups receive a guaranteed minimum floor price and an additional premium for certified organic products. Farmer organizations are also eligible for pre-harvest credit. Fair labor conditions: Workers on Fair Trade farms enjoy freedom of association, safe working conditions, and living wages. Forced child labor is strictly prohibited.