Nutrient-Dense: More potassium and magnesium than maple syrup and honey.
Many Uses: Use as an all natural sweetener in sweet and savory dishes, and baking or as a spread on toast.
Rich in antioxidants and electrolytes. Date syrup is great for a pre or post workout to recharge fatigued muscles.
Back when civilization began, there was date syrup. Stone tablets containing the earliest documented recipes in existence portray this flowing fruit of the date palm as an essential sweetener in the ancient world. It was, and still is, a delectable, complex fruit syrup with a variety of uses and nutritional benefits. Its uses are many. The syrup’s rich flavor makes for an ideal substitution to processed sugar in your favorite baking and cooking recipes. Use it also as a topping with anything that would normally go with honey or syrup. The benefits are also numerous. A mineral content including potassium, magnesium and iron, make this a great alternative to sweeten up recipes without adding sugar. Pour it over waffles or french toast. Dollop on greek yogurt or coconut ice cream. Drizzle over goat cheese and crostini. Use as an alternative to sugar in baking and cooking. Now you’re in business.