Set against a backdrop of 1920's Toronto, this radio opera serial is based on a true story of a mummified baby found in the floorboards of a Toronto home. Further investigation to uncover the origins of the child, now known as ""Baby Kintyre,"" revealed a cast of characters straight from a mystery novel: the glamorous vamp, the mysterious houseguest, the prudish and suicidal wife, the adulterous husband and the simple little girl whose bedroom ceiling became the resting place of a horrible secret. Composer Dean Burry was commissioned by the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) to turn this thrilling story into a radio opera serial. It was extremely well received and subsequently nominated for a Prix Italia Award for musical composition in 2010. Dean Burry is most well known for his opera ""The Brothers Grimm,"" which has been seen by over 150,000 children across Canada since 2001 and has been produced across North America and Europe. At well over 500 performances, ""The Brothers Grimm"" is believed to be the most performed Canadian opera in history.