Declutter Follow-Through: The Amazing Guide on How Not to Quit Half Way Through Rather go From Start to Finish, A-Z Decluttering and Organizing your Home and Space
Are you always giving up? Are you always quitting half way through? Do you make up your mind but once again here you are stuck and can’t seem to go forward? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you.
Why people give up on a goal is explored in detail with strategies to get back on track. It follows on from the previous book to equip readers with physical and mental tools to not only understand the psychological reasons for quitting, but to develop real skills to recognize and accept the inner demotivators and move on from there.
It covers methods to replace old habits with new ones; setting achievable goals (with a template to break down goal objectives); and methods to remain motivated no matter how hard it is to achieve a goal.
This book is not just for those who want to declutter, but for anybody who has a problem following through on goals.