Deliverance From Python Spirit: Powerful Prayers to Defeat the Python Spirit – Spirit of Lies, Deceptions and Oppression. (Deliverance Series Book 3)
The python spirit is the spirit of lies, deception and spiritual oppression of heaviness. It is also the spirit that empower people to practice divination, fortune telling, and visions that are not of God.
In Genesis, it was this spirit that possessed the serpent to lie to Eve, twisting the Word of God and ultimately worked towards creating enmity between God and man. That’s the ultimate goal of the python spirit. It will lie to your mind and create all manner of thoughts against God.
It will try to convince you that God does not really care, otherwise, why would you be going through the kind of problems you are going through. It will remind you how much you have prayed, fasted and sowed seeds and yet have nothing to show for it. It will try to point you to other believers who are suffering and try to get you to reconsider your absolute faith in God.
When you begin to get this kind of dialogue in your mind, recognise that the spirit of python has come to oppress you. Bind it and cast it into abyss, in Jesus name.
There are also other ways that the python spirit operate. In this book, we will explore how this spirit can possess and oppress people and then deal with the demon and her children with the WORD of God.
Beloved, arise and enforce your complete deliverance....TODAY...from anything that is not of God.