PLEASE BEWARE of counterfeit sellers on Amazon selling FAKE "MY BELLA MAMATM" clothing. To guarantee authenticity, only buy from MY BELLA MAMATM. We are the only seller of our brand on Amazon. All others are unauthorized.
You don't need to look like a hospital patient! Choose to look beautiful instead in a stylish SMART Hospital Gown.
Frontal Slit Opening with Tie-up closures. Shoulders unsnap completely off for easy on-off in case IV is used. (You can dress/undress without unplugging IV or other medical equipment attached to fingers, hands or arms). Sturdy top-to-bottom Snap closures on the back offer complete coverage and perfect privacy
My Bella MamaTM Designer Hospital Gowns are made of 100% Natural Woven Cotton Fabric. Machine Wash and Dry. Made Responsibly in India. My Bella MamaTM is an American Owned and Operated Brand.
My Bella MamaTM maternity garments are designed by moms for moms. My Bella MamaTM moms have thought of everything when designing these hospital delivery gowns. From using top of the line trims and snap closures to hand picking their fabrics to ensure softness, washability and durability. Colors in this collection range from soft and feminine to bold and playful. Go ahead...pick your color and declare your individuality.
Get your My Bella MamaTM designer SMART hospital gown today, pack it in your hospital bag and get ready for all the compliments you'll be getting when baby arrives. You don't need to look like a hospital patient. Choose to look radiant and feminine instead. You deserve to culminate your pregnancy journey in style, so wear a pretty hospital gown for the big day!
See for yourself what all our happy mama's are raving about.
Features * Frontal Slit opening with tie-up closures allows for fetal monitoring without the need to undress. Also allows for easy post surgery pelvic and abdominal medical examinations without the need to expose the rest of your body * Shoulders unsnap completely off for easy breastfeeding access and skin to skin contact with baby. IV access: the shoulder unsnap feature also allows for easy on-off in case you need to be connected to IV unit * Feminine V-neck * 100% soft woven cotton fabric * Complete back coverage: easy to use snap closures along the back of the gown. Back snaps also give easy epidural access (if needed).