Dialogue with Trypho
"But straightaway a flame was kindled in my soul; and a love of the prophets, and of those men who are friends of Christ, possessed me; and while revolving his words in my mind, I found this philosophy alone to be safe and profitable."
Dialogue with Trypho is one of the prime example of the intersection of Christian Theology with Greek Philosophy in the Early Church period. Justin Martyr provides us with a fictional dialogic between himself, and a Jew named Trypho. Through the dialogue, a congenial intellectual exchange is presented in which Justin Martyr walks through the Scriptures with Trypho and provides proofs for the "New Law" and the veracity of Jesus' Messiahship seen in the Old Testament law and prophets. This text will help you gain a better understanding of Biblical typology, and the subapostolic Christian hermeneutics.
This electronic edition features an active table of contents.
Dialogue with Trypho is part of The Fig Classic Series on Early Church Theology. To view more books in our catalog, visit us at