Discovering Your Leadership Style: The Power of Chemistry, Strategy and Spirituality
God can use your unique gifts, passions and personality to help you become a better leader. While personality inventories can help you understand your temperament, the model designed by leading church planter David Olson is designed to form fruitful Christian leadership.
Olson's model reveals how three factors―spirituality, chemistry and strategy―work together. The free online inventory that is a companion to this book takes just five minutes to complete, and the resulting report appears instantaneously.
When you take the inventory, you will also discover your leadership style. The six styles that shape our ministry are
The Sacred Leader
The Relational Leader
The Inspirational Leader
The Building Leader
The Mission Leader
The Imaginative Leader
The thirty short chapters of this book are ideal for individual reflection with questions for individual discovery and bonus online activities. The book also includes all the tools you need to take your ministry team through this assessment. They will lead you deeper into this robust model for Christian leadership.