Discus. 1k Discus. High School Girls Discus. 1 kg Discus. Women Discus 1kg. Intermediate Skill Level. 75% Rim Weight. Rated to 140 feet. Performance That exceeds Your Expectations.
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Discus. 1k Discus. High School Girls Discus. 1 kg Discus. Women Discus 1kg. Intermediate Skill Level. 75% Rim Weight. Rated to 140 feet. Performance That exceeds Your Expectations.
Hand crafted sleek design. Quality is unbeatable. Balanced for optimum distance. Machined finish provides sweet spot grip. The difference between good and great. Easy to handle. Smooth on the release. Stays level longer. Increase your distance immediately.
Craftsmanship exceeds all NFHS specifications. Dedicated to the quality of the craft. We have earned the reputation for highest durable dependable performance. Throw at a high level on a consistent basis. Increase your personal best with our classic proven medal winner.
Design perfected. Remarkable spin. More spin means more distance. Builds confidence as you perfect throwing technique. Become an elite thrower.