When Barack Obama ran for president four years ago, he promised hope and change for America and to unite the country. But as Kate Obenshain reveals in Divider-in-Chief, Obama has done exactly the opposite€"as a result, America has become a nation of even greater polarization, the land of no compromise, and the home of disillusionment.
Obenshain exposes: In Divider-in-Chief
€How Obama ran as a champion for the downtrodden, yet the unemployment rate is disproportionately high among minorities and women
€How Obama pushes for the HHS mandate, forcing many woman to violate their conscience€"and some their religion
€How Obama has condoned the actions of Occupy Wall Street, saying "You are the reason I ran for office," while he vilifies both Wall Street and businessmen across America,
€How he continues to pass partisan policies with no attempt at compromise with Congress and Republicans
€How Obama seizes on opportunities to highlight racial discord and then accuses any critic of being "a racist"
Dynamic political commentator Kate Obenshain shows how Obama promotes class warfare€"aggravating racial, gender, and economic differences€"in order to advance his ideological agenda. And with each policy failure, Obama plays the blame game. Searing and controversial, Divider-in-Chief calls for the defeat of Barack Obama before he tears our nation apart.