Doctor Who - The Novel Adaptations: Original Sin
On 30th Century Earth, the Doctor and Bernice Summerfield encounter the Adjudicator Roz Forrester and her squire Chris Cwej. A warning from a dying alien leads the Doctor and Bernice to Earth. However Earth in this time period is not a good place to be. The murder rate is rising, but the killers seem to be acting without motive. The TARDIS crew's investigations lead them to a military training planet, a prison inside a star, and a terrifying old foe. And all the time they are being pursued - by two dogged Adjudicators who've stumbled onto a terrifying conspiracy. Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester. Things will never be the same again. Original Sin is based on the novel by Andy Lane from the Virgin New Adventures series of Doctor Who books. Sylvester McCoy originally played the Doctor in1987 - 1989, (then again in 1996) while his other work includes Radagast the Brown in Peter Jackson's epic The Hobbit films. Yasmin Bannerman, playing Roz Forrester here, guest-starred in the first year of the revived Doctor Who, teaming up with the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, in The End of the World.Lisa Bowerman's Benny Summerfield character was first created in this Virgin New Adventures series of books, but has since been found in a range of Big Finish audio plays both Doctor Who and eleven series of solo Benny adventures! Lisa is also a prolific director for Big Finish. Andy Lane, who wrote the original novel of Original Sin, is the creator of the popular series of children's books The Young Sherlock Holmes. CAST: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield), Yasmin Bannerman (Roz Forrester), Travis Oliver (Chris Cwej), Kim Wall (Beltempest), Philip Voss (Robot),Amrita Acharia(Rashid), Robbie Stevens (Dantalion), Jot Davies (Powerless).