Dr.F's Fightology 2 -Breathing In Fight-: English Edition
Let’s think about these two cases in Boxing.
1: Breathing for a long fight (12 rounds) reduces the stamina of the opponent gradually.
2: Breathing in trying to make one-blow K.O. in the Round 1.
The suitable way of breathing is different in these two occasions, and the way of breathing in trying to overwhelm the opponent by tons of punches is different from the way of breathing in trying to beat him by a counter blow. Which is the suitable way of breathing in the fighting? How should we do in the certain situation or occasion of the fighting? Here, I would love to show you the relation between breathing and the exercise in martial arts.
2-1 Role of breathing
2-2 Breathing and speed
2-3 Breathing and power
2-4 Experiment by the punch
2-5 Experiment by the kick
2-6 Breathing and stamina
2-7 Developing stamina project
2-8 Resistance in water
This book is not an ordinary text book of fighting sports. The Japanese famous sports doctor who is a specialist in fighting sports , Dr. Futaesaku,by through his own experience and supporting various kinds of fighters, including UFC fighter,K1 champion, Karate world champion.Taking long years research and experiment, finally he reached “The Principle Of Human Body & Mindâ€, and "Evidence Of Strength†from medical science point of view.Now he released Fightology book to all the fighters who really wants to be stronger.Research presentation of “Fightology†has a profound effect on fighting world. This is his first public book release in English. This will be the Good News to all of the fighting sports practitioners. Please enjoy the challenging thesis to the world!
Fightology World Team
Hiroshi Katsui/Mauricio Carranza/Fabio Rosch/Moisés Fallas Wahrmann/Juan Ma Z Piedra/David Orsini/Dan Nakamura/Hon Kuen Ma/Masashi Saito/Hideo Kato/Juan Carlos Auge Ros/Jason Lam/Daniel Perez/Jason Droguett/Angus Wong/Chi Kin Fung/Gavin Szeto