Shows students a visual representation of what happens when multiplying fractions with different denominators.
Values included are halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and twelfths.
Contains 52 printed cards in blue and 52 transparent overlays in yellow - 50 fractional cards and overlays plus one blank card and overlay, and one 10 x 10 grid card overlay.
Cards measure 4 1/2" W x 5"H (inner square is 4" x 4" ). 104 cards and overlays, total.
Recommended Grade(s): 3-12
Show students a visual representation of what happens when multiplying fractions with different denominators. Values included are halves thirds fourths fifths sixths eighths tenths and twelfths. Contains 52 printed cards in blue and 52 transparent overlays in yellow - 50 fractional cards and overlays plus one blank card and overlay and one 10 x 10 grid card and overlay. Cards measure 4 1/2"W x 5"H. 104 cards and overlays total.