As a part-time cab driver, Yianna Travis was ready to accept the fact that she was destined to live her life all alone and lonely. That was until she picked up a drunken Eddie Smith, an all-star linebacker for the Atlanta Bueto’s. Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever imagined that instead of a routine pick up and drop off, she would be leaving his home the next morning… and with only one sneaker.
The events of last night may be one big blur, and his memory may be slowly coming back to him in drips and drabs, but Eddie remembered being with a beauty woman last night, and he will never forget the night of unbridled passion that they shared. He may have tied one on, but the pink sneaker in his hand was proof that what happened last night actually did happen, and wasn’t just some dream. Unfortunately, he had a few minor problems. He didn’t know her name, he couldn’t get her out of his mind, and he had absolutely no idea where to start looking for her.