EMP Survival: How To Plan- Protect- and Prepare For an EMP or Grid Down Scenario
An electromagnetic pulse is one of the more dangerous possibilities floated around by survivalists and others in the modern era. It is a weapon that has a special kind of significance in today's world, something that wouldn't have been nearly so traumatizing just a few decades ago. Understanding what this kind of attack can do - and who it can impact - is an important part of being prepared for the future. The relationship between EMP blasts and electronics is one that should have any intelligent person feeling nervous, as well as one that should lead you to take a few necessary steps to protect yourself.
This book will cover:
An Introduction To EMPs
EMP Scenario and Electronics
How Do I Prepare For A Power Grid Failure?
EMP Checklist
Power Outage Vehicle Plan
Why You Should Always Be Prepared For A Post EMP Economic Collapse
Top Skills For an EMP Scenario
Bartering 101 In a World With No Cash-Post EMP
Surprising Items To Stockpile To Prepare For An Post EMP Economic Collapse
Food that Disappear First During an Large Scale Disaster
What To Expect If an EMP Scenario Plays Out
Reasons Why A Large Scale Power Outage May Be More Likely Than You Think