EMRA's comprehensive quick-reference card puts indispensable pediatric medical information at your fingertips -- from proper dosages to vital statistics by age. The tri-fold Qwic Card includes pertinent sections for critical care including: toxicology formulas, treatment of DKA, treatment of hyperkalemia, neonatal resuscitation, modified infant GCS score, RSI-pretreatment, RSI-Induction, RSI-paralysis ventilation, pearls, fluids, sedation and analgesia, seizure medication, anaphylaxis, asthma and croup, medication drips, cardiac medication and arrhythmia, antihypertensives and diuretics, antidotes, antibiotics, blood products, and rhythm disturbances (fast, slow, pulseless arrest). Also included is a chart of average vitals and equipment sizes by age (newborn to 12 yrs).