Title: EZDIY-FAB PC Modding Sleeve Extension Power Supply Cable Kit (ATX/EPS/8-pin PCI-E/6-pin PCI-E with Combs)Â
Key Features:
ï‚· Compatible with ATX form factor Power Supplies (Extensions Connect into factory PSU cables) ï‚· Extend your Power: Each Extension cables comes in 300mm in length with black connectors on both ends ï‚· Extension Kit Includes: (1) 24-pin(ATX), (1)4+4-pin (EPS), (2) PCIE 8-pin, (2) PCIE 6-pin ï‚· Triple-Layered Protection: protect your power delivery with properly insulated cable sleeving, insulating and certified 16 AWG cable wire ï‚· Heat-Shrink-Less Design: Each cable is proper sleeved and secured without the need for heatshrink material
ï‚· Product Description: Customize your system build with the EZDIY Sleeved Extension Cable Kit. With three-layered cable design and inner certified 16 AWG wire, the Sleeve Cable Extension Kit offers users more flexibility for easy installation as well as a clean and professional look. The new individually sleeved cables are heat-shrink free to ensure high-quality cable assembly and support for high currents in order to achieve superior performance and stability. There are cables for (1) 24-pin (ATX), (1) 4+4-pin (EPS), (2) 8-pin PCI-E and (2)6-pin PCI-E with Cable Combs for EACH cable