Eco-Dyed Art Journals: Using Nature's Imprints
Bring the beauty of nature to your art journals. Transform paper and journals with flower and leaf printing andplant-based dyes. With Eco-Dyed Art Journals, you’ll learn simple and fun techniques for:• Making lasting prints from flowers and leaves• Dyeing paper with the rainbow of nature’s colors• Binding dyed and printed papers into unique art journalsIn this book, artist Susan Brooks walks you step-by-step through printing and dyeing processes that use readily available materials and supplies. • Discover how to use natural dyes• Be inspired to embellish your papers with stitching, found objects, paint, and more• Use dyed papers to create fascinating mixed media art, journals, and books* Dozens of full-color photos to inspire youAfter years of making dolls, garments, and quilts, author Susan Brooks is currently driven to experiment with dye, paint, and textiles. As a teacher and workshop instructor, she enjoys sharing the joy of transforming natural materials intoone-of-a-kind artwork. She offers workshops in her Denver area studio.