Elves, Wights, and Trolls (Studies Towards the Practice of Germanic Heathenry)
Used Book in Good Condition
Elves, Trolls, and Wights is the most complete study yet made of the various beings with whom the Vikings shared their world, from the smallest spirits of stones and plants to the great giants who strive against or aid the Norse gods. Elves, dwarves, giants, wights dwelling in rocks, streams, and oceans: these beings have been friends, foes, and even lovers of humans, and often worked more closely with farming and fishing folk on a daily basis than did the gods themselves. In this book, Kveldulf Gundarsson, long-famed scholar of Old Norse religion and Heathen leader, looks closely at the history and folklore of these beings and offers a practical guide for dealing with them. Elves, Trolls, and Wights also includes Kveldulf's new translation of the little-known Icelandic skaldic poem "Berg-Dweller's Song", in which the giant Hallmundr tells of his own folk and world-faring.