Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Practical Guide to Understand Your Emotions, Develop Your EQ and Improve Your Relationships (Emotional Intelligence Series Book 1)
Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Practical Guide to Understand Your Emotions, Develop Your EQ and Improve Your Relationships (Emotional Intelligence Series Book 1)
Emotional Intelligence
The Definitive Practical Guide to Understand Your Emotions, Develop Your EQ and Improve Your Relationships
EQ, a term which was all but unknown thirty years ago, is now almost a household word. Businesses and schools all over the world have implemented training programs in the belief that emotional intelligence skills will improve the performance, leadership skills, and overall quality of lives for their employees and students.
But what exactly is emotional intelligence?
How does it fit with personality and IQ?
And, is it set from birth (or during early childhood), or can it be improved throughout life?
This book explores the nature of emotional intelligence through investigation of various theories and approaches to measurement.
It presents fair criticisms of these theories and measures, as well as of some of the broad claims made by EQ proponents.
It identifies and describes various tests and online quizzes that you might take in order to gain an understanding of your own emotional intelligence.
Part 2 of the book presents an overview of current teaching related to the improvement of the various aspects of emotional intelligence:
Knowing your emotions
Managing your emotions
Reading and understanding the emotions of others
Responding and interacting optimally with others
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What you will learn in Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Practical Guide to Understand Your Emotions, Develop Your EQ and Improve Your Relationships
You will learn the hallmark characteristics of emotionally intelligence people.
You will learn why EQ is as important as your IQ in determining your overall success in life
You will learn how to measure your Emotional Intelligence
You will explore the journey of Emotions and their challenges
You will explore ways to develop your EQ
You will learn how to improve your relationships
And many more..
This Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Practical Guide to Understand Your Emotions, Develop Your EQ and Improve Your Relationships is your must have first guide to explore and get the perfect name for your little one.
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The Bottom Line: Do you want to find out what is your EQ potential and how it can matters in your success?
What are you waiting for? Get your book today by making the smartest decision you could possibly make this year. Discover what your gift is and harness it to do good.
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