This anthology of moving and inspiring empathy stories shows examples of empathy-in-action during intense or difficult interactions. Over thirty empathy experts have submitted stories detailing their favorite conversations that highlight the impact of empathy in everyday exchanges at work, at home, and out in the community.
Being compassionate isn’t always easy, especially when your toddler is having a meltdown in the middle of the store. Or you’ve been assigned the intolerable client that no one else in the office will touch. Or your sister is gossiping again. Yet, the stories in these pages may offer you hope. Find out the role empathy has played in difficult – even life threatening – interactions. Complaining spouses, insensitive authority figures, rude kids – they’re all in here. What a difference it makes when a dash of empathy is added into tense or important conversations of every magnitude.
Join Mary Goyer and 30+ Communication Experts as they share their stories of transformative empathy.