In this book we shall consider end time events; as outlined by Jesus himself in Matthew Chapter 24. We shall particularly discuss the main signs leading up to both the end of the age and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; both of which relate to each other.
In the first chapter of this book we shall consider the fact that Jesus highlighted deception as being a major sign of the end times; something he discussed first, and in various parts of Matthew Chapter 24. In Matthew 24:24 NIV Jesus said, "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
In chapter two of this book we shall analyses whether or not the development of the European Union (EU) is a prelude to the development of a one world government. Jesus said in Matthew 24:7 NIV, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."
Kingdom rising against kingdom can be done peacefully and stealthily; not just through wars. The training I undertook for the Bar will be used to inform our study on EU development since the end of World War II, and the rise of a potential one-world government.
In chapter three of this book we shall evaluate, from statistical data, whether or not there has been an increase in famines and earthquakes across the earth today, as a prelude to end time events.
That is, the earthquakes we are seeing today could very well be leading up to one big earthquake that will shake the nations just before Christ returns at his Second Coming.
In chapter four of this book we shall further evaluate whether or not persecution is taking place across the globe; again this will be based on statistical data (Matthew 24:9). We shall also consider that persecution does not necessarily lead to death; something we will check out in the Book of Revelation.
In the fifth chapter we shall discuss the fact that in the last days people will turn away from the faith; despite the fact that some Christians do not think this is possible. Jesus said in Matthew 24:10 NIV, "At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other."
If Jesus clearly states in the bible that people will turn away from the faith in the last days, then we need to accept the words that come straight from his mouth.
In chapter six of this book we shall analyses the statistical data relating to falling crime rates across the world. Jesus said in Matthew 24:12 NIV, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold." Just because crime rates are falling across the planet does not necessarily mean that wickedness has somehow disappeared.
In chapter seven we shall encourage ourselves with the fact that not all end time events will be negative. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 NIV, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
Again we shall analyses statistical evidence about the preaching of the gospel in the face of the earth; we shall also consider how technology can be used to help us preach God's word today.
In chapter eight of this book we shall provide a short history of events leading up to the revealing of the antichrist in the last days of time. We shall use specific chapters and dates from the Book of Daniel to provide us with an overview of this period in history.
In the penultimate chapter of this book we shall consider who will be invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb; and how the rapture might relate to this event in Revelation Chapter 19. We shall also consider what the potential requirements might be for those want to go up in the rapture.
In the final chapter of this book Jesus provides a warning in Matthew 24:45-51 that church leaders may not recognize the signs of the times. In other words, if church leaders can be deceived about such events, how might they treat those God has given them charge over.