Enter The Amazon is a series of illustrated books covering the history of the development of aesthetic female muscle in recent decades - that is, female bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors, fitness models and women who look like and call themselves "Amazons." This phenomenon is brand new in all of human history, and has created what Pumping Iron author Charles Gaines calls a "new archetype." Never before have women training and developed their muscles for primarily aesthetic purposes. In doing so they have caused our culture to rethink and reevaluate our ideas about the nature and potential of the female body, sexuality, femininity and gender identification. But in being pioneers, these physique women have encountered obstacles difficult to overcome. Opposition from family, friends, loved ones and society in general. And lack of support from the physique federations who govern and control the sport of bodybuilding. Bill Dobbins was the Founding Editor of Flex Magazine, writes books in collaboration with Arnold Schwarzenegger, wrote the original rules governing women's bodybuilding contests and has been the foremost photographer of the female physique, exhibiting in museums and art galleries and has published two fine art photo books: The Women (Artisan) and Modern Amazons (Taschen). Book I: Women's Bodybuilder focuses on the women who represent "the grand opera of the physique."