Essential Laboratory Manual for General, Organic and Biological Chemistry
PART I: DRY LABSD-1 Conversion Factors in Calculations A. Rounding OffB. Significant Figures in CalculationsC. Conversion Factors for LengthD. Conversion Factors for VolumeE. Conversion Factors for MassF. Converting Temperature
D-2 Compounds and Their FormulasA. Electron-Dot StructuresB. Ionic Compounds and FormulasC. Ionic Compounds with Transition MetalsD. Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic IonsE. Covalent (Molecular) Compounds
D-3 Properties and Structures of AlkanesA. Color, Odor, and Physical StateB. SolubilityC. CombustionD. Structure of AlkanesE. Constitutional IsomersF. Cycloalkanes
PART II: Wet Labs1. Measurement and Significant FiguresA. Measuring LengthB. Measuring VolumeC. Measuring Mass2. Density and Specific GravityA. Density of a SolidB. Density of a LiquidC. Specific Gravity
3. Atomic Structure and Electron ArrangementA. Physical Properties of ElementsB. Period TableC. Subatomic ParticlesD. IsotopesE. Flame TestsF. Drawing Models of Atoms
4. Nuclear RadiationA. Background CountB. Radiation from Radioactive Sources C. Effect of Shielding, Time, and Distance
5. Chemical Reactions and Equations A. Magnesium and OxygenB. Zinc and Copper (II) Sulfate C. Metals and HClD. Reactions of Ionic CompoundsE. Sodium Carbonate and HCl
6. Moles and Chemical FormulasA. Finding the Simplest FormulaB. Formula of a Hydrate
7. Energy and States of MatterA. A Heating Curve for WaterB. Energy in Changes of State C. Food CaloriesD. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
8. Gas LawsA. Boyle's LawB. Charles' Law
9. Partial Pressures of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon DioxideA. Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Nitrogen in AirB, C. Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere and Expired Air
10. SolutionsA. Polarity of Solutes and SolventsB. Electrolytes and ConductivityC. Solubility of KNO3D. Concentration of a Sodium Chloride Solution
11. Testing for Cations and AnionsA. Tests for Positive Ions (Cations)B. Tests for Negative Ions (Anions)C. Writing the Formulas of Your Unknown Salt
12. .Solutions, Colloids, and SuspensionsA. Identification TestsB. Osmosis and DialysisC. Filtration
13. Acids and BasesA. pH Color Using Red Cabbage IndicatorB. Measuring pHC. Acetic Acid in Vinegar
14. Alcohols, Aldehydes and KetonesA. Structures of Alcohols and PhenolB. Properties of Alcohols and PhenolC. Oxidation of AlcoholsD. Properties of Aldehydes and KetonesE. Iodoform Test for Methyl KetonesF. Oxidation of Aldehydes and Ketones
15. Carboxylic Acids and EstersA. Carboxylic Acids and Their SaltsB. EstersC. Basic Hydrolysis of Esters
16. CarbohydratesA. MonosaccharidesB. DisaccharidesC. PolysaccharidesD. Benedict's Test for Reducing SugarsE. Seliwanoff's Test for KetosesF. Fermentation TestG. Iodine Test for PolysaccharidesH. Hydrolysis of Disaccharides and Polysaccharides
17. LipidsA. TriacylglycerolsB. Physical Properties of Lipids and Fatty AcidsC. Bromine Test for UnsaturationD. Preparation of Hand Lotion
18. Saponification and Soaps A. SaponificationA. Saponification: Preparation of SoapB. Properties of Soap and Detergents
19. Amines and AmidesA. Solubility of Amines in WaterB. Neutralization of Amines with AcidsC. Amino AcidsD. Chromatography of Amino Acids
20. Peptides and ProteinsA. Peptide BondsB. Structure of ProteinsC. Denaturation of ProteinsD. Isolation of Casein (Milk Protein)E. Color Tests for Proteins
21. EnzymesA. Effect of Enzyme ConcentrationB. Effect of TemperatureC. Effect of pHD. Inhibition of Enzyme Activity
22. DNA Components and ExtractionA. Components of DNAB. Extraction of DNA
Appendix: Materials and SolutionsStandard Laboratory MaterialsAdditional Materials Needed for Individual Experiments Preparation of Solutions Used in the Laboratory
Essential Laboratory Manual for General, Organic and Biological Chemistry (2... 2/E by Karen C Timberlake