Essentials of Management and Leadership in Public Health (Essential Public Health)
Driven by recent events and new trends, public health training increasingly requires new and more advanced informationâ€"leadership and management skills drawn from business, industry, education, and government. This text offers basic foundation for students entering the field of public health management with a specific focus on developing knowledge and skills in the cross cutting competency domains identified by the ASPH.
Essentials of Management and Leadership in Public Health covers: An introduction and history of the field of public health management; The evolution of key leadership and management theories; The changing role of public health management professionals and key characteristics of a successful public health leaders; Key issues in the organization, financing and delivery of healthcare services; Fundamental concepts about the classic functions of management including economics, finance, marketing, strategy, administration, human resources, and community relations; and Modern approaches to leadership development, selection, retention and succession planning.
Looking for more real-life evidence? Check out Cases 1, 2, 5-10, 13, 15, 19-21 in Essential Case Studies in Public Health, Putting Public Health into Practice.