Technology Connections offer optional investigations of theorems using software such as Geometer's Sketchpad. These exercises are great to use as a thread throughout the book or as extra credit or group activities.
Hands-on Activities incorporate the use of simple items such as tissue paper, cardboard tubes, pipe cleaners, and envelopes as well as protractors, compasses, and scientific calculators.
To encourage speaking the language of mathematics and to reinforce conceptual learning, Writing Exercises have been added to many exercise sets throughout the text.
Caution Notes are highlighted throughout this new edition to help students avoid common errors and misconceptions.
A glossary of all terms can be easily referenced in one place at the end of the text.
Three Cumulative Reviews found throughout the book (following Chapters 3, 7, and 10) help students retain material they have learned in previous chapters and help prepare them for a final exam.
Self-Assessment Quizzes and Glossary Flash Cards are available on the companion website at
Written for students who need a refresher on Plane Euclidean Geometry, Essentials of Geometry for College Students, Second Edition, incorporates the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards on geometry, modeling, reasoning, communication, technology, and deductive proof. To make learning interactive and enjoyable, this new edition includes exciting new features such as Technology Connections and Hands-on Activities. Knowledge of beginning algebra and a scientific calculator are required for this text