There is a new trend in Christian churches today. Many have withdrawn from or are being asked to leave their congregations when they begin to question the doctrines practiced by their churches, realizing that what is being taught from the pulpit does not match the Word of the Creator. Those seeking truth are now searching the scriptures for themselves, awakening to the troubling fact that what is done today in the churches is a result of truth having been compromised and believers having been deceived, as prophecy warned that even His elect could be in these last days. Many appear to be hearing the call to "come out of her, my people," are leaving the churches behind, and walking away from the confusion known as Babylon. The Creator is in the process of calling his people out of Babylon. I didn't know what that meant until I started to explore scripture for myself, which led me to the path walked by our Messiah. He did NOT do what Christianity claims. Christians can't see the truth because their thought process is blinded with dogma, doctrine, and traditions of men. This book is not "religious." I am not promoting Christianity, Judaism, or ANY type of religion. The ONLY thing I promote is living by the Word of our Creator. I strive to live by and practice what the Messiah taught, which is that very Word and nothing else. Most people think the "antichrist" and the "mark of the beast" will be manifested in the future; however, they have been here already for quite some time. Almost EVERYONE right now - on this very day - has already been marked by the beast. The mark has nothing to do with social security numbers, barcodes, computer chips or RFID tags. It is far more simple than that. You may be shocked by just how easily this can be seen and proven by using the Word. Over forty five topics are discussed in this book, and the facts are confirmed with scripture. Included is a summary of what is going on in Christianity today, and what truth seekers need to be made aware of. The end is near, and we are very likely MUCH further along in the prophetic timeline than most people realize. This written work is a plea for those who are His, having eyes to see and ears to hear, to discern the signs of our times and EXIT BABYLON.