This latest edition of pertinent parts of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) has been fully updated and indexed to clearly reflect all the changes over the past year. The most relevant sections of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations for pilots and aviation industry professionals are included. In addition to the regulations, free downloads and e-mail alerts of updates published in the Federal Register throughout the year are provided via the Aviation Supplies and Academics website. This updated flight crew regulations book reflects changes in aviation operations for pilots and flight crews, including flight crew member certifications, fractional ownership operations, certification for air carriers, and operating requirements for domestic operations.
Rules for Part 121 and 135 Operators, Career Aviators, and Fractional Ownership Programs:
-Includes Parts 1, 5, 63, 65, 91 Subpart K, 110, 117, 119, 120, 121, 135, and 49 CFR Parts 175 (Hazmat) and 1544 (TSA)
-Also includes the Pilot’s Bill of Rights
-Changes and updates since last edition clearly marked
-Free Updates available online and via email subscription service for regulation and procedural changes
-Comprehensive FAR Index