Separate the best from the rest! Talent is usually considered to be the people who are in the upper 10 percent of what they do. What separates the best from the rest is learning agility-the ability to be resourceful in the face of change. In FYI for Talent ManagementTM the authors present the tips and strategies to help people reach the top 10 percent. Definitions, causes, maps, remedies, and more Each of the 27 dimensions from Choices Architect® is listed in FYI for Talent ManagementTM. Each chapter provides: -A skilled and unskilled definition, and specific items used to measure the dimension -A map to the LEADERSHIP ARCHITECT® Competencies -Reasons you might have this need and remedies to help you work on the need -Tips related to FYI For Your ImprovementTM -Book, web, and audiotape suggestions