In his comedy, Holmes cultivates his image as the goofy man-boy, the jovial, harmless jokester just out to make people laugh. And he is that, Holmes' open, fleshy face with its big, toothy smile signaling his essential friendliness and eagerness to please. Indeed, Holmes is a very animated comic, slipping into funny voices and stretching his features around the impressions that pepper his anecdotes. The deceptive sophistication of Holmes' technique never calls attention to itself, even as he weaves a consistently funny and varied hour-long set. Confessing late in the special that he'd just recently discovered how hard acting really is, Holmes diverts attention from what a fine and subtle comic actor he actually is on stage. Unafraid to let a bit build, seemingly to its breaking point and beyond, he rides some of his best anecdotes on the back of silent face-work.