Blue Blocking Amber Glasses for Sleep - BioRhythm Safe(TM) - Nighttime Eye Wear - Special Orange Tinted Glasses Help You Sleep and Relax Your Eyes
The Secret "Sleep Hack" of High Performers
It's amazing how many top level entrepreneurs and "A" listers use blue blocking glasses at night. Up until recently, it has been a closely guarded performance secret. But how do they work?
Blue Light at Night
Blue light exposure at night has been proven time and time again to be disastrous to your body's internal clockwork. Your body tracks the time of day with special receptors in the eye that sense light levels. They are extremely sensitive to blue light. This is a problem because any blue light exposure after dark creates conflicting signals. Your biorhythms can become fragmented and distorted. Not Good...
The Disruption Zone
While the body is sensitive to higher levels of all visible light, the range of 450 - 510nm is by FAR the most disruptive.
BioRhythm Safe: The New Orange Standard
Most blue blocking glasses are not suitable for nighttime eyewear. The claim of blocking 99.9% blue light is meaningless if the full Disruption Zone is not included. Our glasses are specifically designed to block light in this range. By establishing these parameters we are setting a new standard that we hope other manufactures will follow.
Virtual Darkness
By blocking 99.8% of light in the Disruption Zone, we are creating a personal bubble of "virtual darkness".
* Safely use computers, tablets, and phones
* Protects against the strong blue emissions from LED and florescent lights.
* Allows your body to shift effortlessly into nighttime physiology
* Allows for rapid sleep onset and deep natural sleep cycles
* Virtual personal darkness can be taken with you anywhere you go!
100% Satisfaction Guaranty
Join thousands of other high performers using nighttime eyewear. Risk free!
Country | USA |
Brand | Spectra479 |
Manufacturer | Zendustries, Inc. |
Binding | Tools & Hardware |
ItemPartNumber | FBB1-RG-19-03 |
Model | FBB1-RG-19-03 |
Color | Nighttime |
Size | Medium |
UPCs | 602573393697 |
EANs | 0602573393697 |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |