Fast & Grow Young is Herbert Shelton's classic, Hygienic System Vol II, re-issued under a new title. Our goal is to provide easy access to this trove of vital information for the benefit of the public's health and healing.
It features over 467 pages of insight, research, case histories, and anecdotes of about the remarkable effects fasting has on the human body.
Nature’s FIRST Cure!
Shelton's work underscores the Ageless Livingâ„¢ philosophy that "the universe is perfect, nature is foolproof and the body is coded to heal."
That perfection, simplicity and coding can be activated by harnessing Sunlight, Water, Earth (including real food), Air and Time (S.W.E.A.T.).
The concept of fasting harnesses time and allows nature--through our coding--to proceed at its own pace to reverse and cure the effects of unnatural/impure light, air, water, earth and unnatural food. There is perhaps no greater, no simpler, no more thorough and no more easily accessible nor practiced cure than fasting. It is nature's first cure--animals are known to fast when ill. The concept is simple: allow the body time to rest from the energy-consuming process of digestion and assimilation and divert all its energy toward healing. This is the simplicity of natural cure, and Shelton's research shows the amazing extent to which this is so.
Much of what you'll discover in Shelton's work will appear at first almost counter-intuitive. We've been led to believe that constant eating is the basis of strenght, vitality and energy renewal when, in fact, just the opposite is true.
You'll discover evidence that true cure can and has been achieved without all of the unnatural, inefficient and often ineffective offerings of our drug-based paradigm of so-called healing. As one noted author commented quite astutely, "Illness is not caused by a deficiency in drugs," therefore, drugs cannot be the answer to health.
You'll discover, as thousands of others have, that nature has had her cure waiting for you to have the courage and discipline required to take advantage of it. You'll discover in great detail how fasting allows the body to engage in the pre-wired, pre-coded process of
• losing weight
• dissolving tumors
• eliminating cancer
• curing diabetes,
• mitigating mental illness
• fighting epilepsy
• curing syphilis
• reducing fibroids
• improving eyesight, hearing and smell, and
• reversing the aging process
Table of Contents
1 Definition of Fasting
2 Fasting Among the Lower Animals
3 Fasting In Man
4 A Bill-of-Fare for the Sick
5 Autolysis
6 Fasting Not Starving
7 Chemical and Organic Changes During Fasting
8 Repair of Organs and Tissues During Fasting
9 The Influence of Fasting On Growth and Regeneration
10 Changes in the Fundamental Functions While Fasting
11 The Mind and Special Senses During a Fast
12 Secretions and Excretions
13 Bowel Action During Fasting
14 Fasting and Sex
15 Rejuvenescence Through Fasting
16 Gain and Loss of Strength While Fasting
17 Gain and Loss of Weight During Fasting
18 Fasting Does Not Induce Deficiency "Disease"
19 Death in the Fast
20 Objections to the Fast
21 Does Fasting Cure Disease?
22 The Rationale of Fasting
23 The Length of the Fast
24 Hunger and Appetite
25 Contra-Indications to Fasting
26 Fasting in Special Periods and Conditions of Life