Fast Facts for Critical Care
NEW... Can Ship 2-day! The 2013 Edition of Fast Facts For Critical Care has: Most recent (2013) Guideline for Sepsis & Septic Shock New Guideline (2013) for Insulin and Glycemic Control and Pulmonary Embolism Most recent (2012) AHA/ACCP Guideline for Anticoagulation Most recent (2010) BLS and ACLS Standards, Guideline for STEMI, Guideline for Therapeutic Hypothermia following Cardiac Arrest Most recent (2010) Guideline for UA/NSTEMI, High Risk NSTEMI, Ischemic Stroke, and Acute Heart Failure Most recent (2009) Guideline for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Over 80 "STAT Meds," offering critical information based on the "prescribing information" obtained from each medication's manufacturer 41 Infusion Tables, with details on how to mix and dose-titrate specific infusions Essential information on over 16 classes of critical care drugs: ACE inhibitors to Warfarin ECG monitoring, 12-lead analysis, characteristics and waveforms of 30 dysrhythmias, understanding axis deviation, how to do ST-segment monitoring Assessing and treating Hemodynamic Crisis: Cardiogenic Shock, Hemorrhagic Shock, Septic Shock Ensuring safety/accuracy in hemodynamic monitoring techniques: Arterial Pressure, Central Venous Pressure, PA Pressures, and the newest technology: Noninvasive Cardiac Output Neurologic critical care guidelines: AANN Guidelines for ICP Monitoring, therapeutic approach to unrelenting seizures, monitoring Brain PO2, managing intracerebral hemorrhage Initiating Emergency Cardiac Pacing: a Step-by-Step Pictorial of the Pacer and the Lead Connections. Guidelines on the Prevention of VAP Critical care of respiratory failure, renal failure, electrolyte Imbalance, CRRT, and endocrine crisis Lab values (conventional units, as well as SIU's), Blood Component Therapy, Fluid and Transfusion Hazards. Guidelines for critical management of the Organ Donor. 206 illustrations and drip tables, all in color