‘Fear No Evil’ is a highly acclaimed stand-alone story inspired by real life events.
In 1963 the Apartheid South African Government partners with Israel to secretly build and test nuclear weapons. Twenty-five years later Apartheid is coming to an end. Nelson Mandela is to be released from prison and South Africa is to get its first black majority government. But the United States, suspecting the secret weapons programme, is determined to ensure that a ‘free’ South Africa is nuclear free.
In Botswana Duncan Murdoch, his African wife Elizabeth and their children are struggling. They stumble across the South African nuclear weapons programme with tragic consequences.
Britain, maintaining a watchful eye on its South African investments, becomes aware that a rogue faction is attempting to take control of the nuclear weapons.
In a fast-paced action-packed adventure the CIA, MI6 and Duncan Murdoch race to track down and take control of the nuclear arsenal.
The story is inspired by fact. The events, places and timings are correct and, to this day, it is thought by many that one of South Africa’s nuclear weapons is still unaccounted for!
Independent Reviews:
***** “A great plot, with pace and guile delivering an engrossing read. He understands Africa and you can feel his love for it in the storytelling. The action is well paced and compelling. A great read.â€
***** “Mr Burslem's second Murdoch adventure is a triumph. A Rainbow Nation Thriller.â€
***** “What a great follow up to his first book. A compelling thriller.â€
***** “Historical integrity, interesting characters combine with a gripping fast paced story to make this a great read which was hard to put down.â€
***** “….. Fear no Evil does not disappoint. It's a great read - fast paced with a riveting plot….â€
***** “Plenty of action….. good human stories woven in.. Enjoyable and fast paced.â€
***** “Can't wait for book three to come out. … Great plot.â€