Anyone can learn these simple and fun methods for producing outstanding watercolor landscapes and flowers. One of the reasons that Royland's first book (Fill Your Watercolors with Light & Color - over 65,000 copies sold) has been so popular is that his techniques make watercolor Fun and Successful for a great number of otherwise frustrated artists. Roland has a gift for simplifying the process of painting into a few readily understood steps. In this book, he expands the teaching of his pouring technique and goes into a bit of the underlying structure of a painting. He presents his unique way of teaching composition that (we are told) delights his workshop classes. He then presents his three-step process of painting a landscape - masking to preserve the lights, pouring on the atmosphere and spattering the textures. Next, he shows two great techniques for painting flowers, a subject that does not appear in his first book. Also included is a chapter of fun experimental techniques that readers are sure to enjoy and another chapter that answers some frequently asked questions.