Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations
Now in its Fifth Edition, Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations is the leading textbook on financial management in the government, health, and not-for-profit sectors providing a comprehensive yet practical introduction to the financial decision-making and management skills required of students and practitioners in the field. Â Assuming readers have no prior training in financial management, authors Steven A. Finkler, Daniel L. Smith, Thad D. Calabrese, and Robert M. Purtell artfully combine the principles and theory and analytics of accounting and finance. Â Coverage includes cost analysis, budget preparation, budget and variance analysis, management control, and recording and reporting financial information, with an emphasis on preparing and analyzing financial statements. The authors detail the foundational principles of each of the methods introduced in the book, and through step-by-step equations, figures, and exhibits, they illustrate how to execute financial management in practice.