Who has not felt the anxiety of the modern world: stressful workplaces, the downsized American Dream, loss of community, fractured families, and the unrelenting pace of life in the fast lane? How is one to cope -- let alone find joy and serenity -- in the Age of Anxiety? Robert Gerzon's remarkable book, Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety, points the way with insight and hope, inspiration and practical solutions for the anxious 90s.In a surprising approach to this age-old problem, Gerzon dispels the myth that all anxiety is bad and presents compelling evidence that, in its proper place, anxiety can lead to an exciting adventure of self-discovery. In a masterful synthesis of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, he presents a radical new understanding of anxiety as three distinct yet related experiences. Natural Anxiety is the healthy arousal that warns of actual dangers and alerts us to new opportunities; Toxic Anxiety is the dysfunctional overreaction that can result in stress, addiction, or even clinical disorders; and Sacred Anxiety represents our soul's deepest yearning for meaning and oneness with our Creator.Using vivid examples and practical techniques, Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety shows readers how to master Toxic Anxiety, harness the power of Natural Anxiety, and embrace the mystery of Sacred Anxiety in order to find purpose and the peace that passes understanding.