Slide the two magic doors on the chicken coop to reveal a nest or chickens!
Drop Sofie into the driver’s seat through the open roof
Use the gas pump on the chicken coop to “fill up” the truck
Includes pick-up truck, crate of eggs, Little People Sofie and chicken figures, and easy-connect chicken coop fence piece
Connect to the Little People Fun Sounds Farm for more down-home fun! (Sold separately and subject to availability.)
Fisher-Price Little People Farm Truck & Coop: In the world of Little People play, egg-citing things happen. Sofie€s heading to the chicken coop in her pick-up truck to load a crate of eggs! Her truck has an open roof to drop Sofie into the driver€s seat. There€s even a place in back for a Little People friend to ride along. (Sold separately and subject to availability.) What€s that clucking? Sofie heads to the chicken coop and slides the two magic doors to reveal either a nest or chickens. And once she€s loaded up and ready to head back to town, she can €œfill up€ her truck with the gas pump on the chicken coop! It€s a whole farm-full of fun activities for Sofie and your little chickadee!