IMPORTANT: This manikin was developed especially for the aerospace industry in order to assist in their rescue training purposes.
REALISTIC: The Flexible Rescue Randy Manikin was designed with realism in mind, being over 5 feet tall, and weighing much heavier than most competing training manikins.
FLEXIBLE: This rescue training manikin is designed to be more flexible than the other products in the Rescue Randy like of manikins, further adding to the realism of this product, and allowing it to be placed where others wouldn't be able to go.
This regular sized Rescue Randy unit has been developed especially for the aero-space industry and wing tank fuel cell rescue training, but it can be utilized in any confined space rescue. It exceeds the flexibility of the Regular Rescue Randy products because both the waist and the head flex and twist to allow positioning the manikin under dashboards, in tight spots, and under things where the Regular Randys will not go.FLEXIBLE RESCUE RANDY 5?5?.Size:50" * 21" * 12?. Sh. Wt. 60 lbs. Comes with sweat shorts with the Simulaids logo. Rescue Randy Info And Range Of Models