Depression Glass is as popular as ever and the glass from the 1930s through the 1960s seems even to be gaining ground. Collectors have depended on Gene Florence's books since 1972 for accurate information and values. His new Glassware Pattern Identification Guide, a book that has been needed for many years, will make a great companion for his other books. It includes every pattern featured in his Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass, Collectible Glassware from the 40s, 50's, and 60s, and Collector's Encyclopedia of Elegant Glassware, as well as many more - nearly 400 patterns in all. A gorgeous close-up photograph of a representative piece for every pattern shows great detail to make identification easy. With every pattern, Florence provides the names, the company which made the glass, dates of production, and even colors available. This new guide will be the ideal reference for all glass collectors and dealers, as well as the novice, and a great resource for years to come. 8.5 X 11. 1998 values.