Foundations of Higher Education Law & Policy: Basic Legal Rules, Concepts, and Principles for Student Affairs
With increased national attention on issues such as campus safety and security, institutional accountability, and economic challenges, student affairs professionals must make decisions based on the most current legal rulings and analysis. Foundations of Higher Education Law & Policy is a concise, readable, and easy-to-use reference book that offers a fresh perspective on core law and policy information in a format for non-lawyers. The author, a nationally recognized speaker and futurist on higher education law and policy, examines current issues and addresses questions such as: What do recent events mean for higher education law and policy? Where do controversies exist, and why? How should we teach and learn higher education law? How should student affairs professionals manage their educational environments in light of recent law and policy changes? What themes and principles-not just rules-are in play? Written for both graduate students in student affairs administration programs and practicing professionals, this book offers specific guidance on critical messages from the legal system in terms administrators can understand, internalize, and operationalize. Readers will gain a clear understanding of the law's unique mission for higher education, empowering them to feel confident in their daily decision making.